Mikayla's Word of the Week

Destitute - adj. 1. without means of subsistence; lacking food, clothing, and shelter.
                         2. deprived of, devoid of, lacking (often followed by of)

The children were destitute, they had no food, clothing, or shelter.

The homeless man was destitute, he had no home.
Some people are less fortunate and have no money, which means they are destitute.
The lost hiker was destitute because he had a hole in his pocket.

Diffidence - the quality or state of being diffident
Diffident - 1. lacking confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness
               2. restrained or reserved in manner, conduct, ext.
               3. Archaic. Distrustful.
Synonyms: timid; shy

She is diffident, she doesn't like to raise her hand in class and speak.

Disdain - verb 1. to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn.
                     2. to think unworthy of notice, response, etc.; consider beneath oneself
            noun 3. a feeling of contempt for anything regarded as unworthy
Synonyms: scorn; haughty; contempt

To his disdain, she was eating more than enough.

Disparage - verb 1. to belittle or discredit someone or something
Synonymsbelittledecrydenigratedeprecatedepreciatederogatedetractdiscountdowngrademinimizerun downslighttalk down 

The soccer player was disparaged of his ability to play.

Docile -  Adj. 1. a passive person or thing
Synonyms: gentlemeekmildtame

Bunnies are very docile animals. 

Dogmatic - adj. 1. the strong expression of opinions as if they were facts
Synonyms: doctrinaire, authoritarianbossydictatorialdomineeringimperiousmagisterialmasterfuloverbearingperemptory
Some governments are dogmatic in a way that they think that men are superior to women. 

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